
The Law Office of Ihsan Dogramaci is a law firm focused on resolving disputes by taking them to trial.

Disputes may resolve by settlement before trial. But there is a saying:

You cannot settle a case that you are not prepared to try.

Many chess games between grandmasters never get as far as the end game; they end with a resignation somewhere in the middle. But your opponent will not resign, and will continue playing even a weak position, if unconvinced that you know how to deliver mate in the end game.

Likewise in litigation an adversary will not accept a fair settlement, and will continue to let even a weak case play out, if unconvinced that you are prepared to go to a successful final judgment. In general, therefore, it is a waste to engage in pre-trial wrangling and posturing that does not move a case towards a successful trial.

Whether the dispute involves an overreaching business partner, a self-interested board of directors, a misleading investment pitch, or a simple violation of a contract, I seek a fair outcome for my clients, not busywork for the bar. Read More